Mama Sarah Obama Children Foundation is working to ensure that orphans and vulnerable children get proper health care and live a healthier lifestyle.

We ensure that every orphan and vulnerable child do get a chance for better education through -Child sponsorship program.(School fee, books, school supplies, school uniform and shoes).

At Mama Sarah Obama Children Foundation farm, we engage in Agriculture for food security and poverty reduction strategies.

Cassava Crop & stems

Tomato Plantation


Executive Director in the farm
sinking of boreholes to promote the provision of clean drinking water and to help tackle the water borne diseases in rural village, community health center and schools in Siaya, Mama Sarah Obama commissions piped water project at Kogelo village in Siaya County Kenya

Africa’s Lake Victoria named major waterborne disease breeding site
“Africa’s largest fresh water source, Lake Victoria, has been named as a major breeding ground for waterborne diseases, putting millions of people at risk.
People living on Lake Victoria’s islands are at risk of cholera, typhoid, and dysentery as most of them drink water directly from the second largest freshwater lake in the world in terms of surface area.